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Advanced Front End

Advanced Front End

This class introduces state of the art tools and techniques used by professional software developers. It continues to explore the use of CSS and JavaScript in creating interactive, data-driven web sites, building on our Web Foundations courses.

These tools and techniques include:

  • Task automation to reduce repetitive tasks and improve quality
  • Sass - a CSS preprocessor that improves code design and flexibility
  • Browser-based acceptance testing with Selenium IDE
  • Chrome Developer Tools for debugging Sass using source maps
  • Style guides - specifying and controlling the coding of style
  • Interactivity - forms, microinteractions, and UI patterns

For a more detailed look at what you’ll learn, check out the syllabus and the course curriculum.

Simplified Schedule

There are a minimum of 6 classroom hours per week with between 6 and 10 hours of homework per week. There are at least 10 hours of homework per week. Students may spend additional time per week depending on their educational goals.

Here’s an overview of the whole course - expect this to change as we tune the class for each cohort.