JS Evening

CoreJS: Booleans, Truthiness, and Conditionals

Boolean operators Part 1: Boolean Logic

Consider the following pieces of code and calculate by hand what value they should calculate, then check your results by entering them into the console.

  1. true || false
  2. ((true || false) && false) || true
  3. var x; (x < 10) || (x > 10);
  4. !!false
  5. !((x >= 0) && (x <= 10)) === (!(x >= 0) || !(x <= 10))
  6. !((x >= 0) && (x <= 10)) === ((x < 0) || (x > 10))
  7. var x=1, y=1; x === y === 1;
  8. var x = 0; -1 < x < 1

Boolean Operators Part 2: Non-Boolean values and Truthiness

  1. 'coffee' || 'tea'
  2. 'coffee' && 'tea'
  3. 2 && 1 && 0
  4. 2*Infinity && 'beyond'
  5. undefined || false
  6. undefined || undefined
  7. 'banana'/2 || 'false'
  8. var x, y=1; x || y;
  9. var x = 0; (x === 1 || 2)


Consider the following fragments of code: execute them by hand, as shown in class, and then compare your answers to what you get from running the examples in scratchpad.


var x;
if (x || (x=10)) {
} else {
    if (x && (+"totes a string")){
        console.log("one thing");
    } else {
        console.log("another thing");


if (x || !x) {
    console.log("We've excluded the middle");
} else {
    console.log("The middle is not excluded");

Boolean Operators Part 3: Short-circuting

Consider the following fragments of code and try to follow the logic of their execution and their outcome:

  1. true || arglebarg
  2. if (doJShomework() || runMarathon()) deserveCookie();
  3. if (doJShomework() && runMarathon()) deserveCookie();
  4. (backup = '') && deleteAllFiles()
  5. treat() || trick()
  6. practice() && win() && celebrate()


Summarize the following ideas in your own words:

After you're done, share your answers within your group and discuss them.

