JS Evening

Workshop: Callbacks, Array Methods, Data Structures

Today we're going to build a Treehouse course recommender system! Everyone here has earned some Treehouse badges (i.e. completed courses), and that data can be downloaded from Treehouse and manipulated with Javascript.

Our goal is to unify all data from all students into one integrated data structure. Then we can calculate the similarity between any two people based on the courses they have each complete. Finally, we can use that measurement to do a form of collaborative filtering: recommending which courses a person might take next, based on what similar people have taken!

The primary Javascript feature we'll use is a set of three array methods (forEach, map, and sort) which use callbacks -- functions which are passed as arguments to those array methods to customize their behavior.

We'll also make extensive use of index or dictionary objects, which can other named objects and retrieve them quickly.

Before we work with the Treehouse dataset, which can be huge and confusing, we'll do most of our thinking and code-writing with a "toy" data structure.


A callback is just a function passed as an argument to another function. The receiving function is reponsible for calling it at the right time, but that receiver has no idea what the callback function does. Conversely, the callback knows how to process its own arguments, but it has no idea when it will be called nor precisely what its arguments will be.

He is a simple example to illustrate the idea:

// Example Callback Functions:
function shout(str) {
    var output = str.toUpperCase()+'!';
    return output;
function spell(str) {
    var output = str.split('').join('...');
    return output;

// Example Receiver Functions:
function withThird(array,callback) {
    for (var i=0; i<2; ++i)
function withThirdFromEnd(array,callback) {
    for (var i=array.length-1; i>array.length-3; --i) {

var fruits = ['apple','banana','cranberry','plum'];




All arrays have a method called forEach which run a callback you provide on every element of the array. No value is returned, so the callback must have some side-effect when it's called.

  1. Use forEach to shout every string in an array of strings.

  2. Now use it to spell a series of strings.

  3. Pretend that forEach doesn't yet exist and you have to write it yourself. Complete the following template to implement it:

function forEach(array,callback) {
    // do callback on every element of array...


All arrays have a method called map. map, like forEach, runs its callback on each array element, but it requires the callback to return a value each time. The result of map is a new array build from those individual return values, one per element.

  1. Use map to build an array of shouted strings.

  2. Use map to build an array of spelled strings.

  3. Pretend that map doesn't yet exist and you have to write it yourself. Complete the following template to implement it:

function map(array,callback) {
    // build a new array using callback to transform each element of array


Finally, any array can sort itself. The callback to sort has two parameters, which are different, unknown elements of array, and the callback indicates which is greater by returning either a positive or negative number.

Mini-Data: Chores!

Here is a toy data-structure we can use to make sense of the computations we'll need. It represents a set of family members responsible for various household chores.

// people
var mom  = {name:'mom',  jobs:{}},
    dad  = {name:'dad',  jobs:{}},
    billy= {name:'billy',jobs:{}},
    sally= {name:'sally',jobs:{}};

// chores
var wash=   {job:'wash',who:{}},
    dry =   {job:'dry', who:{}},
    mop =   {job:'mop', who:{}},
    cook=   {job:'cook',who:{}};

var people = {

var jobs = {

wash.who = {mom:mom,billy:billy};
dry.who  = {dad:dad,billy:billy,sally:sally};
cook.who = {dad:dad,sally:sally};
mop.who  = {dad:dad,mom:mom};

mom.jobs  = {wash:wash,mop:mop};
dad.jobs  = {dry:dry,cook:cook,mop:mop};
sally.jobs= {dry:dry,cook:cook};
billy.jobs= {wash:wash,dry:dry};

In this implementation, the members of each row or column is an "index" (or "dictionary") object, whose keys are the names of the objects in that row or column, and whose values are the objects with those names.

In all of the challenges below, your code should not contain any reference to particular people or particular jobs. <!--It may use fixed property names like 'job','who','name'.-->


Before coding any components, we'll think in broad terms about what we're trying to accomplish and list some tools we'll need. Then, before writing each tool, we'll practice verbalizing what the solution will require.

Coding Exercises


hasJob(person,job) --> Boolean

Write a function hasJob(personName,jobName) returning true or false. For example:

hasJob('mom','mop') --> true
hasJob('mom','dry') --> false

Now write a variant hasJob(personObj,jobObj) which receives objects instead of strings:

hasJob(mom,mop) --> true
hasJob(mom,dry) --> false

peopleDoing(job) --> array of objects

Write a function peopleDoing(job) which returns an array of people-objects

jobsDoneBy(person) --> array of objects

Write a function jobsDoneBy(person) which returns an array of job-objects

Display functions

maxLength(strings) --> number

Write a function maxLength(strings) which returns the length of the longest string in the array strings

sizeColumns(rowNames, colNames) --> array of ints

Write a function sizeColumns(rowNames, colNames) which returns an array of widths, one per column. The width of the first column should depends on the longest string in rowNames; the width of all other columns depend on the longest string in colNames. There should be one leading column (for all rowNames) plus one column for each of colNames.

For example: var cols = sizeColumns(['wash','dry','cook','mop'],['mom','dad','sally','billy']) should return [4,5,5,5,5].

writeRow(colSizes, strings)

Write a function writeRow(colSizes, strings) which console.logs a single string composed of strings, each padded with space to match the corresponding width in array colSizes.

You may use the functions leftPad(string,totalWidth) and rightPad(string,totalWidth) included here:

function leftPad(str,len) {
    var padding = Array(len+1).join(' ');
    return (padding+str).slice(-len);

function rightPad(str,len) {
    var padding = Array(len+1).join(' ');
    return (str+padding).slice(len);

writeJobsTable(people, jobs)

Write a function writeJobsTable(people,jobs) which will console.log the following series of lines:

       mom   dad   sally billy
wash | X                 X
dry  |       X     X     X
cook |       X     X
mop  | X     X

The functions sizeColumns and writeRow will help you format the table.

Data processing

intersectJobs(nameA,nameB) --> array of strings

Write a function intersectJobs(nameA,nameB) to return an array of names of the jobs shared by the people named nameA and nameB. For example:

intersectJobs('dad','sally') // should return either ['cook','dry'] or ['dry','cook']
intersectJobs('mom','sally') // should return []

similarity(personA,personB) --> number 0..1

Write a function similarity(personA,personB) which receives two person objects and calculates a number from 0 to 1 representing the similarity of their jobs. Use the following measure of similarity: the number of jobs they share as a fraction of the longer job list. Make use of your intersectJobs function.

//person similarity matrix:
    mom dad sal bil
mom 1   .33 0   .50
dad     1   .67 .33
sal         1   .50
bil             1

score(job,person) --> number

Write a function score(job,person) which generates a number representing the "compatibility" of that job and that person. Compatibility is calculated as follows: find all other people (excluding person) who have that job, then sum together the similarity each has to person.

For example, sally is reasonably compatible with mopping because dad does similar jobs to sally but also mops:

score(mop,sally) //--> (0 for mom + .67 for dad)  === .67

But mom is super-compatible with drying, because everyone else does it already!

score(dry,mom) //--> (.33 for dad + 0 for Sally + .50 for Billy) === .83

recommendJobsFor(person) --> array of objects

Write a function recommendJobsFor(person) which returns an array of objects containing possible new jobs for person with compatibility scores for each. The objects in the array should be sorted in descending order of scores, so that the strongest recommendation is first. Omit any jobs which person is already doing or for which they have zero compatibility.

For example, mom could do either of two new jobs, drying or cooking. Recommendations for her would be:

recommendJobsFor(mom) //--> [{job:dry, score:.83},{job:cook, score:.33}]

Real-world data: Treehouse Badges!

Now that we've explored the general patterns of the data structure, we're ready for the real thing!

To download treehouse user data, we'll need two files, one HTML and one javascript:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="mycode.js"></script>
// mycode.js
var usernames = [ /*list of treehouse names*/ ];

usernames.forEach(function(name) {

function importUser(user) {
    // your code




