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Mobile Development with iOS

Class Reference

Class 27 - In App purchasing

Class 26 - Loose ends in CoreData, sort descriptors, Fethced Properties and more.

Class 25 - Core Data (cont.)

Class 24 - Core Data - Intro and initial setup

Class 23 - Local file system, saving/loading data

Class 22 - MultiThreading (GCD, NSOperation Queues)

Class 21 - UIKit Dynamics and Motion effects

Class 20 - UIActivity sharing and UIActivityViewController

Class 19 - Sharing with the Facebook SDK

Class 18 - Networking with NSURL, NSURLRequest and NSURLSession

Class 17 - Mapkit, CoreLocation and overview of CoreMotion

Class 16 - Creating your own delegates

Class 15 - Message UI framework and MFMailComposer

Class 14 - Camera, accessing the media library

Class 13 - UIScrollViews, AlertControllers (ActionSheets and AlertViews in iOS 7 and below)

Class 12 - Intro to Core graphics

  • Makeup class needed

Class 11

Class 10

Class 9

Class 8

Class 7

Class 6

Class 5

Class 4

Class 4 Assignment

Please go over the slides originally scheduled for today (we will go over these as a class still) Slides 11/13/14 - Properties, Subclassing, Frameworks, Categories & NSDictionaries and watch the following videos.

Class 3

Class 3 Assignment - Using Storyboard, UILabels and NSArrays.

  • Create a new project from the “Single View Application” template.

  • On the StoryBoard, drag in 3 UILabels, connect each one to your ViewController.h giving each one its own reference name.

  • Change the TEXT COLOR and FONT of your UILabels in the StoryBoards Attribute inspector (on the right side of screen) to make them easier to read. Make sure you select which UILabel you want to edit on the StoryBoard so you are changing the correct UILabels attributes.

  • In your viewcontroller.h files viewDidLoad method,

    • Add an “int” and initialize with 0
    • Create an NSArray and initialize with the following strings * One * Two * Three
  • Assign the text property of each UILabel you connected to one of the strings held in the NSArray using the arrays built in method, [yourArrayName objectAtIndex:myInt]; and your “int” to determine the proper index.

  • After assigning the first UILabels text property from the NSArray, you will need to increment your int by 1 for the next label.

  • Remember the first index of an Array starts at 0.

  • Build to the simulator to verify each UILabel displayed contains one of the words in you array.

  • In your projects “Build Settings”, verify that you have set your developer code signing identity and developer provisioning profile.

  • Build and test on a real device.

Week 1