Documentation and Development Tools
- MDN: HTML Elements All The Elements! (In one place, easily searchable.)
- MDN: HTML Attributes All The Attributes!
- MDN: CSS Reference All The CSS Selectors!
- Mozilla Developer Network The canonical reference for HTML and CSS.
- W3Schools Tutorials Not as bad as they used to be.
- DevDocs Fuzzy-search through All The Docs.
- GitHub GitHub's help pages
- jsFiddle Front-end playground
- ColorHexa CSS color finder
Getting Help
- Stack Overflow Q&A site for developers
- Try Git The basics of Git in 15 minutes
- Command Line: the Hard Way A command-line crash course
- Learn X in Y minutes: CSS A quick-and-dirty primer on CSS
- Touch-typing practice, tailored for CSS and LESS
Tutorial Providers
- Codecademy Free!
- Treehouse Free for you!
- Code School Not so free.