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Advanced Front End

This assignment is due by class time, next Monday.


  1. Watch these screencasts:
  2. Read the introductory material on this page and get comfortable with the documentation
    • The main Sass site -
  3. (Optional) Read these guideline articles
    • Sass Guidelines -
    • Sass Style Guide -

Task Automation

Do the following modules in the command line tutorial: The Command Line for Web Design

  1. Read Introduction
  2. Do Grasping the Basics
  3. Do Taming 3rd Party Packages
  4. Do Powering Up Front End Code with these modifications
    • Just install node-sass
    • Do not install ruby Sass
    • Do not install stylus or LESS
    • Do not install Jade or the others
  5. Read but do not do Automation with Grunt
  6. Do Automation with Gulp

Getting help

  • Remember, there is open lab every Tuesday night from 6-9 at PCS.
  • Also, your TA’s may arrange for office hours.
  • Ask questions in the Slack channel
  • DM Al via Slack if all else fails.