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Advanced Front End


By the end of this week, students will be able to:

  • Locate instructional materials and have access to the Slack channel
  • Describe the benefits of task automation
  • Set up task automation for a web project using Sass, Gulp & Autoprefixer
  • Describe the basic directives of Sass and SCSS
  • Describe the beginning principles of Google’s Material Design design language
  • Use SCSS to update a simple web site to Material Design guidelines


  • None. (First week.)


Session 1

  1. Introductions & Logistics
  2. Presentation: “Task Automation”
  3. Presentation: “Fixing CSS with Sass”

Session 2:

  1. Lab: Week 1 Assignment
  2. Start Personal Notebook, Iteration 1

     * Overview
     * Git review: Forking and cloning repositories
     * Code-along: Designing cards and sketching SCSS with


  1. Week 1 Assignment - Due Monday before class
  2. Personal Notebook, Iteration 1 - Due Wednesday before class