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Web Development Foundations

Primer Basic Week 2


  • CSS: styling, positioning and the cascade
  • Git: cloning, staging, committing

By the end of this lessons, students will be able to:

  • Create a new repository on gitHub
  • Clone a git repository
  • Check the status of a repository
  • Edit a repository
  • Stage changes to a repository (git add)
  • Commit changes to a repository
  • Manipulate elements on an html page through css styling and positioning within the cascade

Necessary materials:

  • New_repo with index.hmtl
  • pcs-primer-exercise repository


  1. Start-up activity
  2. Git: instructor guides on projector and speaks what he/she is doing. Students follow along from their own computers, take notes, and ask questions as they arise
    • Create a new repository from GitHub
    • Clone a repository (pcs-primer-exercise, or use a blank repo with a index.html file)
    • Make a change to the html file, git add, git commit PCS-Primer-Exercise
    • Direct students where to locate repo from Portland Code School user on gitHub
  3. Instructor guides students on assignment by inviting students to read segments from the instructions.md
  4. CSS: float
    • Explore float on codepen
  5. Lab: work on iteration 2


Treehouse badges: * Branches (10 min)
* Merging (11 min) * Workflows (11 min) finish pcs-primer-exercise

Assessment: Complete by the start of the third class

  • Complete and share first assignment


  • Duckett: pages 370 to 375 (css positioning, specifically floats) help with git