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Web Development Foundations

Primer Basic Week 3


  • Use Chrome Developer Tools to explore DOM HTML & CSS
  • Git: Basic collaboration: cloning, branching and merging using Github pages to deploy web sites
  • Teamwork roles and responsibilities
  • Project work using Basecamp as a project web site

By the end of this lessons, students will be able to:

  • Identify elements of a web page as they appear in Google Chrome Developer Tools
  • Clone a single github repo and use the remotes for collaboration
  • Git push their branch in their repo to the github remote
  • Git pull their branch from the gitHub remote to their computer repo
  • Git merge branches in repos, resolving merge conflicts as necessary.
  • View a website deployed by github
  • Identify their role and responsibility in their group as they relate to the final assignment
  • Communicate with their group through BaseCamp

Necessary materials:

  • Chrome Dev Tools Quiz (Google form)
  • Git push/pull ping pong activity for pairs
  • Basecamp


  1. Start-up activity - pairs
  2. Assignment 02 review with Show & Tell
  3. Chrome Dev Tools intro/review
  4. Chrome Dev Tools Quiz
  5. Assignment: 03 Collaborating with git and github (Ping Pong!)
  6. Introduce final assignment:
    • Walk through Basecamp: to-do lists, client briefs
  7. Discuss roles and responsibilities of team work
  8. Create teams for third assignment
    • Students line up by their perceived proficiency
    • The end of the line wraps back to the front of the line so there are two columns
    • Instructor defines characteristics of an effective team
    • Students create their own teams and team name
  9. Introduce third assignment
  10. Students start working on the final assignment with the remainder of class time available


  • Work on third assignment, meet with your team



*git branching help