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Web Development Foundations

Primer Basic Week 4


  • Team Collaboration
  • Introduction to client work: product demonstration and code walkthroughs
  • Primer Basic retrospective and celebration

By the end of this lessons, students will be able to:

  • Reflect and recall their experience as working on a programming team to create a product for a client
  • Introduce a product through demonstration and describe their coding
  • Identify their future goals in web development

Necessary materials:


  1. Start-up activity
  2. Q/A session on concerns/problems
    • Identify students that only signed up for primer basic and provide them with the information to continue to primer pro if they wish
  3. Verbalize expectations for product demonstration and code walkthrough
    • This would be a great activity for some ta’s to model
  4. Student groups continue to work on their project
  5. Student groups present their product demonstration and code walkthrough
  6. Course retrospective
    • Reinforce what to do next: codeacademy, treehouse, primer pro,
  7. Discussion: What can you do with what you know now?
    • Spectrum between users and coders

Homework for students continueing with Primer Pro:

  • JavaScript Basics
  • Focus specifically on Introducing JavaScript, Storing and Tracking Information with Variables, and Working with Numbers