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Web Development Foundations


  1. Mobile-first design * Focused design * Progressive enhancement
  2. Responsive Web Coding * Viewport * HTML considerations * Fluid & elastic layouts * media queries * responsive images * scalable vector graphics

By the end of this lessons, students will be able to:

  • Describe the benefits and challenges of responsive design
  • Manage images to load appropriate images to different devices
  • Use scalable vector graphic (SVG) images
  • Create forms in HTML by hand

Necessary materials:

  • Refer to References section


  1. Start-up activity
  2. Open Lab time on First assignment: Introduction to javaScript and jQuery
  3. Open Discussion on First assignment: Introduction to javaScript and jQuery
  4. Review loops: while, for codepen: for loop debug, breakpoints in js inspect element
  5. Introduce Responsive Design project Part 1: Design a layout for an app on a phone. Put things in the right order by only using html Part 2: Use css to make header and footer fixed, link nav bar with hamburger svg icon part 3: Adapt layout to a larger screen by using media queries


  1. Treehouse JavaScript Loops, Arrays and Objects
  2. Treehouse jQuery Basics This week’s homework is creating a small magazine using mobile-first, responsive design. Here are the instructions.
  3. Complete part 1 and part 2 of resonsive design project by the next class.
  4. Finish part 3 & 4 by Thursday class time.


  • Monitor gitHub commits from Mobile First and Responsive Design project


Responsive Design Presentations Duckett Chapter 6: events Duckett Chatper 7: jQuery Mobile First and Responsive Design jQuery git branching and merging Chapter 3.1-3.4 git pull requests