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Web Development Foundations

Primer Pro Week 3


  • Basic principals of responsive web design

By the end of this lessons, students will be able to:

  • create media queries to make websites responsive to different screen sizes
  • understand and recognize the components of fluid layout
  • understand and recognize different methods of relative measurement
  • understand different image file types and what each is best used for

Necessary materials:

  • Refur to References section


  1. PowerPoint presentation on Responsive Web Design
  2. Lab time to work on Mobile First and Responsive Design website
  3. Lighting Talk: Future Careers in Technology
  4. Mobile First and Responsive Design assessment
  5. Bootstrap introduction: introduce final project

Homework Treehouse:

  1. Framework Basics. Focus on Introduction to Front-End Frameworks and Prototyping with Bootstrap
  2. Complete Mobile First and Responsive Web Design all iterations


  • Monitor gitHub commits from Bootstrap project
