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Web Development Foundations

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If you’d like to deepen your knowledge of HTML/CSS:

  1. Read Advanced HTML & CSS, which includes coverage of responsive web design and jQuery (est: 5 hours)
  2. Read Five simple steps to designing grid systems (all five parts) (est: 2 hours)
  3. Poke around on The Grid System to see the different kinds of grid systems that are possible.

If you’d like to take your dev skills to the next level:

  1. Learn the basics of JavaScript, interactively.
  2. Learn jQuery, by the book.
  3. (Shameless plug) Continue your journey here at PCS!

Learn front-end frameworks, responsive design, and much more in our front-end development course, or test-driven development, client-side and server-side JavaScript frameworks, and more, in our full-stack JavaScript courses (immersion or evening).

Topics covered ìn our JavaScript courses include

  • Beginning-to-advanced JavaScript
  • Using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration
  • Test-driven development
  • jQuery, JSON, AJAX
  • Backbone.js, Node.js
  • RESTful APIs
  • MVC architecture