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Advanced Front End


Each week has a lesson plan where you can see what we'll cover that week. Some weeks have assignments . The various topics we cover have their own pages.


Advanced Front End Week 1 Lesson Plan

Review the pre-work, meet the class, and starting learning about Sass and Task Automation.


01 Week 1 Assignment

Learn Sass, start seting up your tool chain

02 Personal Notebook

Objectives Create an maintain an online notebook to record key concepts and vocabulary terms Use the notebook to de...

03 Scaffold a Boostrap/Sass site with Yeoman

Theme: toolsReference: tools goal is always: less work & more...

04 Kitten Adoption Agency web site

The final project brings together most of the material we learned during the class: You use the entire front end too...


Fixing CSS with Sass

See the slide deck, “Fixing CSS with Sass”Required reading: S...

Task Automation

See the slide deck, “Task Automation”